(612) 722-4737

Parent Registration

Private events and classroom galleries for parents

Now you can log in to Circulo de Amigos’ private gallery, to see pictures of your children in an exclusive album. Only parents will have access and rights to view and save the pictures. It’s important to maintain this gallery inaccessible to unauthorized users to maintain the content off social media and the internet.

Too Short
Your first name.
Your last name.

Your children’s privacy is of the utmost importance to us.  For this reason, Circulo de Amigos is focused on protecting their privacy.

Therefore, we are opening a special space for parents to navigate and view pictures to enjoy, while maintaining your information confidential.

The password is private, and you must not share it or make it available to others.  It is your responsibility to ensure that the password does not fall into the hands of a third party. If you become aware that the password is or may have been compromised, you are obligated to inform us hereof. We can and will lock down the account if there is a risk that the password has been compromised or is being used in violation of the User Terms.

User Terms

Circulo de Amigos Child Care Center LLC hereby grants you permission to access and view the pictures on this private page. 

You must agree to follow these restrictions:

  1. You agree not to distribute or publish in any medium any content from the pictures, without CACCC’s written authorization.
  2. You agree not to use the picture’s content for any other use other than for parent viewing.
  3. You agree not to alter or modify any picture from the galleries.
  4. You agree not to use the pictures for commercial uses such as advertising, sponsorships, promotions or sales.
  5. You agree not to use the Content in a way that can result in: risk of harm, loss, physical or mental injury, emotional distress, death disability, mental illness to any child or person, that causes harm or exploits children by exposing them to inappropriate content, racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, invasive of personal privacy, harassing, humiliating to other people (publicity or otherwise), or provokes violence or hostility, profane or otherwise objectionable or use the pictures to discriminate against others based on race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, ancestry or national origin.